A chave para o isolamento está no revestimento da superfície do vidro com uma capa de metais nobres. Este revestimento, ainda que contendo prata elementar, não devolve um efeito espelhado à luz visível, pois está incluído num “pacote de camadas” de modo a que o nosso olho mal consegue percebe-lo.

ISOLAR NEUTRALUX® the glass for more light and heating

ISOLAR NEUTRALUX® is the glass with greater ISOLAR® thermal insulation. The key to the insulation is the glass surface covering with a noble metals cover. This covering, although having element silver, doesn’t return a mirror effect to visible light, as it is included in a “pack of layers” so that our eye can hardly notice it.

ISOLAR NEUTRALUX® covers are made to grant maximum thermal insulation (minor Ug value) associated with high values to have more profit from the sun (higher sun factor g- value) and taking advantage of the daylight (luminous transmission).

More Comfort with ISOLAR NEUTRALUX®

The felling of gratification to people in the house depends mainly on the temperature of walls, windows and glasses surfaces. The sense of discomfort is a consequence of cold surfaces. The more insulated the glass is, the hotter will be the indoor surface, so ISOLAR NEUTRALUX® improves comfort and contributes for a better and more comfortable use of space.

Optimized range of products

Os requisitos legais para a poupança energética e o uso eficiente deste recurso precioso que é a energia leva à necessidade de escolher vidros de isolamento térmico adaptados a cada caso. A gama de produtos ISOLAR NEUTRALUX® oferece uma solução ideal para cada exigência.

Legal requirements for energy saving and the efficient use of this precious resource, energy, makes us choose thermal insulation glasses adapted to each case. The range of ISOLAR NEUTRALUX® products offers a ideal solution for each demand.
Depending on technical needs we could choose either NEUTRALUX® 1.1 or NEUTRALUXs® Zero, when we wish double glazed thermal insulation or triple glasses of reinforced thermal insulation.

For warmer places we could opt for NEUTRALUX® S 1.1 or NEUTRALUX® Zero S glasses. When we wish double glazed thermal insulation or triple glasses of reinforced thermal insulation.

In certain conditions we could use ISOLAR NEUTRALUX® heat treated glasses, TEMPREX®, in such cases, we could use all range of ISOLAR NEUTRALUX® HT without noticing any difference by eye between the annealed and TEMPREX® versions.

All ISOLAR NEUTRALUX® glasses can be equipped with interlayer profile thermally improved, the so called “warm edge”.
The ISOLAR NEUTRALUX® insulation glass for more light and heat grants a comfortable temperature and helps to save the precious heating energy. This way we protect the environment. Get ready!

Configure your solution, if there is any doubt; get in touch with our technical department.