Smart spaces of easy daily maintenance and exclusive design are the essential characteristics when comes the time to choose for products which will be placed in space diversity.
Due to its versatility, durability and adaptability each day the glass presents itself more as an innovative product when it comes to decorating indoors.

elegancia_interior_corredorUniform Colours

Nowadays we can paint glass with a great number of colours. Imagination and creative boundaries are thus granted.
By vitrifying glass, this acquires colour resistance, durability and stability, assuring design for a long period of time.

Exclusive pictures

Thanks to the screen printing available it is possible to print on glass almost every type of pictures, which represent an advance and an answer when the intention is to obtain unique results.




elegacia interior_sheraton-porto-hotelColoured transparency

Transparent glasses with a wide range of colours is what we can obtain concerning  MULTIPACT ® product, we may add coloured interlayers, maximizing safety and protection with the unique coloured effect you wish.




Mais informação MULTIPACT 


Mais informação TEMPREX 


Mais informação TERMEX